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1. Definition of National Income

National Income refers to the total value of goods and services produced within a country during a given period, typically a year. It reflects the economic performance of a country and is often measured through various metrics such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), GNP (Gross National Product), and NNP (Net National Product).

2. Concepts of National Income

National Income can be measured in different ways, depending on the focus and inclusion of specific factors. Some key measures include:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time frame (usually annually or quarterly).

Gross National Product (GNP) is the total market value of all goods and services produced by the residents of a country, including those produced abroad but excluding the value of production by foreigners within the country.

Net National Product (NNP) is GNP minus depreciation (the wear and tear on the country’s capital goods). NNP represents the actual net output available for consumption or investment.

National Income (NI) is NNP minus indirect taxes (such as sales taxes). National Income measures the total income earned by the country’s citizens.

Personal Income (PI) is the total income received by individuals and households, before personal taxes are deducted.

Disposable Income (DI) is the income left after personal taxes are deducted, which can be spent or saved by individuals.

3. Methods of Calculating National Income

There are three primary methods for calculating National Income:

The Income Method calculates national income by adding up all incomes earned by individuals and firms in the economy. This includes wages and salaries, rent, interest, and profits. This method looks at National Income from the perspective of the producers and resource owners.

The Expenditure Method calculates national income by summing up all the expenditures made in the economy over a specific period. This includes consumer spending (C), investment spending (I), government spending (G), and net exports (X - M). This method looks at National Income from the perspective of total spending in the economy.

The Output/Production Method calculates national income by measuring the total value of output produced by all sectors in the economy, including agriculture, industry, and services. It focuses on the final goods and services produced and avoids double counting by only including the value added at each stage of production.

4. Circular Flow of Income

The circular flow of income is a model that shows how money moves through the economy. In a simple two-sector model (households and firms), there are two flows: the real flow (goods and services) and the monetary flow (money spent on those goods and services). In more complex models, the government, financial sector, and foreign trade are included. The model demonstrates how national income is distributed and how the spending, saving, and investing behaviors of households and firms impact the economy.

5. Importance of National Income Analysis

National income analysis is crucial for understanding the overall health and growth of an economy. It helps governments use national income data to formulate policies related to taxation, public spending, and welfare programs. By comparing national income over time, economists can assess whether an economy is growing or contracting. National income per capita is often used as an indicator of the average standard of living in a country, and it helps in understanding the contributions of different sectors (agriculture, industry, services) to the overall economy.

6. Challenges in Measuring National Income

There are several challenges when it comes to accurately measuring national income. The underground economy, which includes unreported or illegal economic activities, is not captured in official national income statistics. Non-market activities like homemaking and volunteer work do not have a market price and hence are not included, though they contribute to economic welfare. If care is not taken, double counting of intermediate goods along with final goods can overstate national income. National income figures in current prices may reflect price changes rather than actual growth in output, so it is often adjusted to real terms by removing the effects of inflation.

7. GDP Deflator and Real vs. Nominal GDP

Nominal GDP is the total value of goods and services produced, measured at current prices, while real GDP is adjusted for inflation and measures the actual quantity of goods and services produced, giving a more accurate reflection of economic growth. The GDP deflator is an index that shows the relationship between nominal and real GDP. It reflects how much of the change in GDP is due to changes in the price level.

8. Limitations of National Income as an Indicator of Welfare

Although national income is a useful measure of economic performance, it has limitations when used as an indicator of societal welfare. National income doesn’t account for how income is distributed across different population groups. High income inequality can exist even if national income is high. Non-economic factors like health, education, and environmental quality also impact welfare but are not captured by national income figures. Finally, national income does not directly measure well-being or happiness. Higher production doesn’t necessarily lead to a higher quality of life.


Understanding National Income is essential for analyzing the overall performance of an economy. It helps governments, businesses, and economists make informed decisions, but one must also consider its limitations and the broader context when using it to assess economic well-being.


1 / 26

1. Which of the following is a measure of income earned by a factor of production?

2 / 26

2. Transfer payments includes: (Select 2 options)

3 / 26

3. NNP is calculated by (Select 2 options)

4 / 26

4. GDP is 120, consumer expenditure is 70, investment is 30, Government expenditure is 30, and
import is 35.Export will be _________.

5 / 26

5. Calculate GDP per capita if national income is 180,000 billion and population is 225 million.

6 / 26

6. Which of the following represent withdrawals from the circular flow of national income?

7 / 26

7. Net increases in the capital stocks of a country is called:
(i) Net investment (ii) Net savings
(iii) Net capital formation (iv) Net consumption

8 / 26

8. Which of the “Two” are called transfer payment?

9 / 26

9. Which one is included in GDP while calculating through “value-added approach”?

10 / 26

10. National income under output method is ___________ the national income.

11 / 26

11. Nominal GDP is normally _________________ than real GDP

12 / 26

12. Real GDP calculate on:

13 / 26

13. GDP deflator calculation does not include?

14 / 26

14. GDP deflator is a price index that measure ___________________ of a country

15 / 26

15. Per capita income calculation shows:
National income (Billion)                           Total population (Million)
Year 1                  180,000                                          225
Year 2                  192,100                                          226

16 / 26

16. Nominal GDP is calculated at:

17 / 26

17. What will cause more withdrawals (select 2)

18 / 26

18. In 2015 GDP is 20000 and deflator value is 100, in 2022 GDP value is 30000 and deflator value is
120. Calculate real GDP of 2022.

19 / 26

19. Sum of all factor payment is:

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20. National income is: (Select TWO)

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21. Injection less than withdrawals cause:

22 / 26

22. Airbus sells aircraft to serene Air (Pvt) limited. While calculating GDP it is included in:

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23. Air bus sells aircraft to air force. In which of the following four will this expenditure be recorded
while calculating GDP

24 / 26

24. What will happen if govt reduces imports

25 / 26

25. Import= 90 million, company revenue = 400 million comprising of company sales= 250 million,
sales to government =90 million, and export = 60 million, paid salaries expense to
employees=140 million, company paid taxes on salaries paid to employees, and company’s own
taxes as 40 million and 50 million respectively. Calculate GDP (National Income) by value added

26 / 26

26. . If total output increases and price index remains same, nominal GDP will:

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